Heliotextil, Etiquetas e Passamanarias, S.A. applied and approved a project to Portugal 2020, Internationalization SME type, with the total eligible investment amount of € 387,134.50.
The approved application is included in the Operational Program Competitiveness and Internationalization, thematic objective "OT 3 - Reinforcing the Competitiveness of SMEs" and has as investment priority the development and application of new business models for SMEs, especially with regard to internationalization.
The investment is located in the industrial zone in the municipality of São João da Madeira, district of Aveiro.
The main objective of this internationalization project is to reinforce the international presence of Heliotextil, a highly competitive company in the subsector for the manufacture of trimmings and servicies, other textile accessories and innovative solutions for the control and security of textile articles.
Heliotextil has a leading position in the domestic market in several of its manufacturing segments - transfers, trimmings, woven and stamped labels - a position that has been built through a long presence in the market for more than 50 years, a policy of constant investments in modernization of processes, products and brands, and innovation, a position that aims to enhance.
The investment plan of this project is characterized by a broad cross-cutting nature, encompassing several activities of marketing innovation and organizational innovation.